Saturday, 13 October 2012

FOI request Commonwealth Ombudsman

Subject: RE: Your FOI request of 13 September 2012 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Sun, 14 Oct 2012 12:58:48 +1100

Luke Phelps
FOI Officer Commonwealth Ombudsman,

Dear Luke,
I understand you do not understand my request.
In the 2010/2011 Commonwealth  Ombudsmans  statistics there are  579 complaints made about the Commonwealth Ombudsman. I am seeking a copy of each of these complaints.
I understand the Commonwealth  Ombudsman consider this  too  difficult and  wish to refuse my request for  purely practical reasons.
To overcome this, I would accept that the Commonwealth Ombudsman  email me 15  copies of the complaints made to the Commonweath Ombudsman each week for a year . This should dramatically  lighten your workload.
I refer to the statistics
Category 1—resolved without investigation, outcomes include decisions not to investigate and referrals to appropriate agency or authority
Category 2—cannot be resolved at category 1 and require further internal enquiries/research or more information from the complainant, resolved without contacting the agency
Category 3—investigation conducted and agency contacted

I also understand that the Commonwealth Ombudsman has no investigation policy, no one at the Commonwealth Ombudsman has any investigation qualifications and Australian Government Investigation standards do not apply to the Commonwealth  Ombudsman. Is this correct?? Could you  pease respond to this.
I would understand that according to the Financial Management  and Acountability Act  this would require that  this is complied with. Clearly you will be aware that that failure to comply with  the AGIS would allow the Commonwealth  Ombudsman to be seen to condone corrupt conduct and even corruption.
You will understand this is not the role of the Commonwealth Ombudsman .
I aslo now would request under FOI that the Commonwealth Ombudsman also suppy me with a copy of the 70 complaints made to them about the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia in the same financial year.
Thank you
Fiona Brown

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