Thursday, 4 October 2012

FOI OAIC Commonwealth Ombudsman and ITSA

Under Freedom of Information the Commonwealth Ombudsman and ITSA have been asked to supply me a copy of their Investigation Policy. I have also requested what qualifications Mark Findlay and Adam Toma have achieved to enable them to carry out investigations. Similarly, the Commonwealth Ombudsman were also asked to produce their investigation policy and who in the Commonwealth Ombudsman has the necessary qualifications to carry out investigations as required by the AGIS.
These government Agencies were given an extension for these documents and information to be produced up until today 4th October 2012. It is now 7pm and I have received nothing.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Australian Public Service Commissions desperate attempts to cover up atrocious conduct at the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia is slowly unwinding.
The corruption at ITSA instigated by Adam Toma, Veronique Ingram and Matthew Osborne and covered up by the Commonwealth Government Agencies will have extensive ramifications when exposed.
Adam Toma's attempts to bully people clearly works in most instances.
However, he can come kiss my fucking arse and in fact lick it all over.
I obviously cannot wait for him to take me to court as he threatened me with in 2009.
With my extensive evidence and all my statistics to back me up in court, the FOI request that I have received showing the breaches of Law I could have ITSA in there for months. Clearly ITSA do not have the funds for this.
So apart from this what else is Adam Toma HIDING??????????????????????? You will all be surprised!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do not think Adam Toma wants anything exposed...................

Subject: RE: CP12/06677 - Complaint - Ms Brown - APSC [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2012 19:21:15 +1000

Dear Peta
I refer to the email concerning my Freedom of Information requests from the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Insolvency Trustee Service Australia (ITSA)
These requests were extended to the 4th October 2012. As yet I have received nothing.
Unfortunately I must ask you to intervene.

Fiona Brown

Subject: RE: CP12/06677 - Complaint - Ms Brown - APSC [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Mon, 27 Aug 2012 23:21:57 +0000

Thanks Fiona
The two complaints have been raised and I am pretty sure that I will be your contact officer for both matters.
From: fiona brown [] 

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