Tuesday, 9 October 2012

APSC Disclosure log according to steve Sedgwick

In an email to the Australian Public Service Commission where  we have a dumb fuck as Commissioner and is protecting corruption in the Australian Public Service I enquired why  as required by the Financial Management and Accountability act why not all is posted on the disclosure log.
My reply was simple.............. if it discloses any personal information then it was not a requirement to have this information posted.
As most FOI requests do contain small amounts of information  the Australian Public Service is using this to breach  this ACT.
The Commisioner's disclosure  log according to  Steven Sedgwick..................
The Commission’s disclosure log
You have referred to the publication of information in the Commission’s disclosure log.  As noted on the Commission’s disclosure log web page, the requirement to publish information in the disclosure log does not apply to personal information about any person if publication of that information would be unreasonable.  On finalising an FOI request consideration is given to whether notice should be placed on the Commission’s disclosure log, taking into account the OAIC guidance in respect of disclosure logs

This is what Steve Sedgwick actually means................
Fuck off everybody in Australia, I make the rules so come kiss my Arse!!!
According to the Financial Management and accountability Act it is a requirement to publish FOI requests on the disclosure log  but as I have no accountability. I have the power to fuck everyone  over and over. I am currently protecting corruption at ITSA. I also am protecting corruption and corrupt conduct at other  Government  Agencies.
Although I  am also aware that according to the AGIS any corrupt conduct or corruption must be investigated by qualified investigations I use my skanky Ethics manager to do the investigations . I have found from experience she is very good at fucking people.  She has no investigation qualifications. The Commission also used a  a Mr Cornall to do one investigation .  The APSC is presently inquiring whether Mr Cornall's qualifications should be released.
You just need to see a picture of me to realise I am a fuck brain.
So come kiss my arse  because everyone else is doing it......
Steve Sedgwick

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