Friday, 18 July 2014

FOI  Australian Public Service Commission/ Dodgy Robert Cornall AO
So apart form doing the dodgy report and investigation into Manus Island which cost $83,000 Dodgy Robert Cornall has done 2 investigations into misconduct by Federal Government Agency Heads under S41(m)
It is hardly surprising there is so much systemic corrupt conduct in Government agencies  when investigations are not independent.
As this dodgy Cornall was secretary of the Attorney Generals department and therefore fails any independence test.
 Taking a look through the annual reports it  is also revealed Commissioner Steve Sedgwick also fucked over  every whistle-blower and all those who made complaints about Agency Heads. Clearly the Shonky Sedgwick has also a vested interest in protecting systemic corrupt conduct and corruption in Government Agencies

Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 13:02:22 +1000
Subject: RE: FOI Robert Cornall [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Ms Brown

The two investigations were conducted for the purposes of the Commissioner’s function under paragraph 41(1)(f) of the Public Service Act 1999 “to inquire into alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct by Agency Heads”.  Please note that section 41 of the Public Service Act 1999 was amended in 2013 and this power is now found under paragraph 41(1)(m).

____________________________________________________Chris Luton
Australian Public Service Commission

p : 02 6202 3571 | f : 02 6250 4437
e : | w :


Commissioner's functions
             (1)  The Commissioner has the following functions:
                     (a)  to strengthen the professionalism of the APS and facilitate continuous improvement in workforce management in the APS;
                     (b)  to uphold high standards of integrity and conduct in the APS;
                     (c)  to monitor, review and report on APS capabilities within and between Agencies to promote high standards of accountability, effectiveness and performance.
             (2)  Without limiting subsection (1), the Commissioner's functions include the following:
                     (a)  to foster, and contribute to, leadership, high quality learning and development and career management in the APS;
                     (b)  to lead the thinking about, provide advice on and drive reforms to workforce management policies so that the APS is ready for future demands;
                     (c)  to develop, review and evaluate APS workforce management policies and practices and maintain appropriate databases;
                     (d)  to foster an APS workforce that reflects the diversity of the Australian population;
                     (e)  to promote the APS Values, the APS Employment Principles and the Code of Conduct;
                      (f)  to evaluate the extent to which Agencies incorporate and uphold the APS Values and the APS Employment Principles;
                     (g)  to partner with Secretaries in the stewardship of the APS;
                     (h)  to provide advice and assistance to Agencies on public service matters;
                      (i)  to work with other governments (including foreign governments) on matters relating to public sector workforce management, leadership and career management;
                      (j)  to review any matter relating to the APS;
                     (k)  to review any matter relating to the APS referred to the Commissioner by the Public Service Minister, and report on that matter to the Public Service Minister;
                      (l)  to evaluate the adequacy of systems and procedures in Agencies for ensuring compliance with the Code of Conduct;
                    (m)  to inquire, in accordance with section 41A, into alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct by Agency Heads;
                     (n)  to inquire into and determine, in accordance with section 41B, whether an APS employee, or a former APS employee, has breached the Code of Conduct;
                     (o)  to inquire, subject to the regulations, into public interest disclosures (within the meaning of the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 ), to the extent that the disclosures relate to alleged breaches of the Code of Conduct;
                     (p)  such other functions as are conferred on the Commissioner by this Act, the regulations or any other law;
                     (q)  such other functions as the Prime Minister, by legislative instrument, directs the Commissioner to perform;
                      (r)  to do anything incidental to or conducive to the performance of any of the Commissioner's functions.
Note:          Neither section 42 (disallowance) nor Part 6 (sunsetting) of the Legislative Instruments Act 2003 applies to a direction given under paragraph (2)(q) (see sections 44 and 54 of that Act).
Reports may include recommendations
             (3)  A report made by the Commissioner in the performance of his or her functions may include recommendations.
             (4)  The regulations may authorise the Commissioner to charge fees (on behalf of the Commonwealth) for the performance, on request, of the Commissioner's functions.

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