Friday, 25 July 2014

Email To Ian Lazar
This is the Ian Lazar exposed in Federal Parliament by Senator Williams as a fraud!!!!!

Subject: RE: Letter to Brown attached‏
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 21:34:16 +1000

Dear Dodgy Lazar,
I refer to your email where you  find it is antisemitic to expose  the  findings of  the many court cases you have been involved in. I fail to understand exactly how the findings of a court case is considered   somehow in your mind antisemitic. Are you referring to the Judge as antisemitic or are you referring to anything that exposes you as antisemitic, 
I also wonder  why any post concerning Jim Byrnes  would be considered antisemitic unless he has converted to Judaism   lately.
It also appears that referring to you as the son of a rabbi as antisemitic. WOW, Wow Wow!!!!!
Most importantly I wish to tell you ....................................... Fuck Off!!!!

Subject: Letter to Brown attached‏
Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 06:04:54 +0000

Dear Madam,

Please see attached.


Ian Lazar FGAA,Dip DT, MAICD(Sydney)
Structured Mortgage Securities


National Affairs 
'Fraudster' Ian Lazar outed in Senate by John Williams 
• From: The Australian
• September 22, 2011 12:00AM 
A NATIONALS senator has used parliamentary privilege to name and allege fraud against a businessman he claims is engaged in unchecked white-collar crime, going on 
to attack the impotence of the corporate watchdog. 
Senator John Williams told the Senate yesterday that Ian Lazar had ripped off many Australians, including prominent theatrical producer Kevin Jacobsen.
He called for a royal commission into white-collar crime and declared he would deliver a dossier of documents to the Australian Federal Police.
Mr Jacobsen, chairman of Arena Management Pty Ltd, operated and held the lease for the Sydney Entertainment Centre for 26 years. In a statutory declaration tabled in parliament, 
he says he was introduced to Mr Lazar by Achilles Constantinidis, best known for partnering with former Labor prime minister Paul Keating in a one-time piggery business. He says 
Mr Constantinidis introduced him to Andrew Wily, from Armstrong Wily accountants, in July 2009 regarding the withdrawal of the lease for the entertainment centre by the Sydney 
Harbour Foreshore Authority.
Mr Jacobsen appointed Armstrong Wily as receivers of Arena Management. But within an hour of that meeting, Senator Williams told the Senate, Wily's staff emptied all the 
money out of the ATMs as well as the safe, taking about $150,000 in cash.
In his tabled statement, Mr Jacobsen claims he never received a report on what happened to the cash, but that Wily charged $250,000 for six days' work. Mr Jacobsen says shortly 
afterwards, Mr Lazar offered to help him recover $10.4 million from the SHFA following the withdrawal of the lease.
He says Mr Lazar charged $84,000 to his credit card, stole his car and botched the financing for a tour by Julio Iglesias, leaving Mr Jacobsen liable for cancellation costs while 
pocketing $50,000 himself.
The tabled material quotes Mr Jacobsen saying Mr Lazar effectively killed off a musical production worth $6 million to his family company.
Senator Williams told parliament yesterday that one year after meeting Mr Lazar, Mr Jacobsen had lost all his businesses and all his trading companies were placed in liquidation.
"It's another glaring example of how the Australian Securities & Investment Commission cannot be relied upon," he told the Senate.

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