Saturday, 17 March 2012

Memo update

Attention all staff

17th March 2012

      I have now received an email from the APS Commissioner that he does not intend to read any of my Memos if I continue to use foul Language.  I want to point out to this dumb fuck that he needs to read the memo to establish if I have actually used foul language. I clearly understand that he is referring to the matter where Mark Findlay was asked to investigate a complaint where Florence Choo was involved. Steve Sedgwick found it was not a  a conflict of interest.  Just telling it as it  is Stevie.  Steve  also  he found it was not a breach of the APS Act to mislead the Public and to fail to  comply with the Act to which  Agency heads are responsible. He also was prepared to overlook the failure of Alison Larkins to comply with the Ombudsman's Act. Considering overwhelming evidence  that Alison Larkins had wasted considerable resources to  cover this up and Diane Merryfull had done a deal with ITSA to also cover it up also he found there was no case to answer.

It has been brought to my attention that  Ms Brown has now requested for  the  documents under FOI how this decision was reached.  Therefore if anyone can  give  a reasonable suggestion why the Commissioner  reached such a conclusion  that could be used in these documents and notes please email  I understand any suggestions will be gratefully accepted .
Your leader

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