Saturday, 3 March 2012

Dumb Fucks at the Auditor Generals Department

Dumb Fucks at the Auditor Generals Department

I refer to the following email sent to me from Ian McPee's Auditor Generals office. Part of their responsibility is  conducting performance audits. I emailed them concerning evidence of systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA. Instead  of making enquiries into this conduct they told me to go to the federal Police.
Just how many DUMB FUCKS work in this department and is the Auditor General the biggest DUMB Fuck of them all. You can go to my blog " SYSTEMIC CORRUPT CONDUCT"
Are you fucking joking..... go to the Federal Police...........HA HA

Date: Fri, 20 Jan 2012 14:58:07 +1100
Subject: RE: Read my blog Auditor General [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]

Dear Ms Brown

I refer to your correspondence with this office during January 2012 about matters to do with Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia (ITSA).

The role of the Australian National Audit Office (ANAO) is to provide the Parliament with an independent assessment of selected areas of public administration, and assurance about public sector financial reporting, administration and accountability.  We do this primarily by conducting financial statement audits of all agencies, assurance reviews and performance audits of selected agencies.

Decisions about the conduct of performance audits are informed by considerations of the relative priority of topics and the availability of resources.  Given our full performance audit program, we are not in a position to commence an audit in ITSA.

Allegations of Commonwealth corruption (a Commonwealth crime) and any supporting evidence should be referred to the Australian Federal Police (AFP).  The AFP deals with Commonwealth crime and evidence supporting allegations of corruption in the Commonwealth should be forwarded to the AFP.   

We attach the specific link from the AFP website that provides further information on Commonwealth crimes and how they are investigated, as follows:   In addition, there is a specific form that needs to be filled-in to report a Commonwealth crime to the AFP.  The link to this form follows:

While the ANAO is not able to undertake a performance audit of ITSA, we will take the matter you raise into account in preparing our future audit work program.  We hope that the information and links we have provided above will be helpful.

Kind regards,


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