Tuesday 28 February 2012

Memo to all staff

Memo to all staff

To all staff,
You all know who I am referring to when I say not enough effort has gone into covering up evidence of systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA. I will remind the senior management of their individual enterprise agreement that requires such troublesome evidence be eliminated.
I am aware that it has been necessary to hack into Ms Brown's Hotmail account and delete a series of damming emails but I honestly am aware that the process was not carried out correctly and she still retains this evidence.
Apart from sending an assassin around to her place to silence her it is honestly causing me great concern and am asking senior management for their recommendations of now what should be done.
As I am quite new to this position , I would be pleased to hear from anyone who has a solution to this “problem”
All emails will be in strict confidentiality.


Your Leader

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