Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Objection to Discharge/ David Bergman/ Bankruptcy / AFSA

David Bergman
GPO Box 2604,
 Adelaide SA
21st May 2014

Dear Mr Bergman,
As National Manager Trustee Services I understand you are the correct person to contact regarding a  a  Notice of Objection to Discharge .
David Cooper was made bankrupt in 2006 . He was  due to be discharged in 2009  but this was revoked by Guilia Inga  who was  Official Receiver NSW and Act after Cooper  filed a false statement o f Affairs and failed to disclose a large inheritance he had received in Israel.
This had been protected and covered up by the  Tibor Karolyi who now works at Tayeh de Vries , Julie Padgett NSW Enforcement Manager and Florence Choo Deputy OR ACT and NSW
Mark Findlay wrote a false report also on the conduct of these people to try and protect the integrity of ITSA now known as AFSA.
This matter was then referred to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.
Diane Merryfull who was a deputy  Commonwealth Ombudsman and  now is  CEO of the Tasmanian Integrity Authority had a meeting  Veronique Ingram and  Mathew Osborne and other AFSA staff and   came to an agreement they would protect this systemic corrupt conduct instead of referring it to the Attorney General as require under S15 of the Ombudsman’s  Act
Veronique Ingram has provided a false statement to the court that  she is unaware of the systemic corrupt conduct at AFSA for which she is aware this is untrue.
She  is also  aware  ITSA’s  Annual statistics  are  false  and Matthew Osborne ITSA or AfSA’s Principal Legal Officer Matthew Osborne was promoting systemic corrupt conduct.
Not only did the Commonwealth Ombudsman protect this, also did Karin Fisher and Commissioner Sedgwick from the Australian Public Service Commission.
It would be also foolish for ITSA  and Veronique Ingram to believe  that the Magistrate Lisa  Stapleton protected this also for this Government Agency

 It is a requirement that ITSA or AFSA continue the Bankruptcy of David Cooper until he pays his creditors from his inheritance.
Following is the  a copy of the Notice of Objection of Discharge   for David Cooper under S149B.
Please send me  a copy  of the new Objection to discharge  after you have filed it with the court.
Yours sincerely

Fiona Brown

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