Veronique Ingram AFSA has magistrate protect systemic corrupt conduct.
So today in court 5.5 at the Downing center, ITSA successfully asked a magistrate to protect systemic corrupt conduct and corruption at AFSA/ ITSA.
Despite the magistrate being made aware the the shonky Principal Legal Officer Matthew Osborne is providing false and corrupt legal advice to protect Fraud and complaints about both private trustees and the Official trustee this magistrate decided there was no legitimate forensic purpose for my request for a subpoena and in fact the subpoena was just " fishing" for evidence.
I found it quite amazing that the magistrate found it could be an" abuse of power" to request such a subpoena.
So the Government Solicitor asked for costs which I also found amusing that I should pay for the Government Solicitor to protect systemic corrupt conduct. The magistrate said he was unable to grant his wish as he had no jurisdiction but he could ask for it after committal hearings or some kind of shit like that.
I interpreted it that after Veronique Ingram and all the senior Management at AFSA including the corrupt Adam Toma had finished trying to explain why they all considered corrupt conduct was to be protected by the Australian Federal Police then David Nuygen could ask for costs.
It also appears that the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions also need another 2 weeks so some one else could review my file and of course the AFP Agent Nathan Potter was also there looking not as enthusiastic as before. It may be now the AFP are actually realising that the whole matter was purely to intimidate me and protect the shonky conduct at ITSA / AFSA.
It would appear that everyone is tying themselves in knots to protect their actions.
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