So today I appeared in Sydney Local Court complete with my list of witnesses that I had compiled last night . I have also a list of people that I wanted to subpoena that had worked at ITSA and also a list of the documents I wished to subpoena.( The great thing now is that I do not have to ask for FOI anymore because as I am charged with exposing systemic corrupt conduct an currently in court I can subpoena the documents)
Well… It appears just because I am organized and followed the correct procedures the same cannot be said for the incompetent Australian Federal Police and the even more incompetent Commonwealth Director of Prosecution.
It all started when the CDPP claimed this matter originally was a state police matter and had only been transferred over to the Federal Police recently. She then went on to tell the magistrate that part of the brief had already been served by the State Police.
At this stage I wondered what drugs she may have been on and Succar from the Australian Federal police and I shrugged at each other.
We were then adjourned so the AFP could set the CDPP straight.
So, then the CDPP tried to fuck over the magistrate tried to give him examples alleged offensive drawings that I had posted on line after my last court appearance.
Clearly I have been unable to post anymore of my drawings because the AFP took my computer and because I had no access to a computer and scanner there was no pictures I could post ( sorry to all the fans of my drawings)
I told the magistrate that these had not been posted recently . The CDPP then admitted that she was trying to mislead the magistrate that these had been posted recently. The Magistrate said he would not rule on anything unless the CDPP provided evidence.
As if that wasn’t enough the CDPP again tried to tell the magistrate that I was continuing to post offensive posts on my blog. Again the Magistrate told her to give him the evidence. And again the CDPP said they had none .
All I can do is laugh!!!!!!!
So now the rest of the brief is to be served on the 22nd October and I am back in court on the 19th November 2013
Although Succar of the AFP considers I am do not understand the court process and he tells me he is reluctant to talk to me because I put it up on the internet the greatest lesson I learnt today is the Commonwealth Director of Prosecution is even more clueless and incompetent than the AFP.
Succar tried to tell me outside court that there may be several of these “ Incidents” were the court proceedings are “ stuffed up”
Well Succar, I am starting to understand the game you play… you came to my home with a search warrant to protect the systemic corrupt conduct at ITSA or now AFSA, the Commonwealth Ombudsman and the Australian Public Service Commission.
What the AFP were not aware of at the time was the amount of evidence I had methodically collected in a file.
When the Commonwealth Director of Public prosecution tried to mislead the magistrate that there was 5 volumes of evidence against me, they failed to acknowledge that 4 volumes were the evidence I had collected against the Commonwealth Agencies.
And what is even more amuzing is that somehow they consider that somehow they will beat me!!!!
Clearly they have no chance considering the stuff up I have seen today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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