With so many complaints sent to the shonky NSW Ombudsman who are clearly protecting systemic corrupt conduct in NSW it hardly takes report from Ernst and Young to expose the understaffing .
Like its counterpart the Commonwealth Ombudsman who has no investigation policy and fucks over complaints and protects atrocious conduct by senior government Management it also appears the NSW Ombudsman is doing the same
Pru Goward / Pic: Sam Ruttyn
Source: News Limited
COMMUNITY services minister Pru Goward was yesterday accused of
misleading NSW Parliament over the number of caseworkers looking after
vulnerable children.
Opposition upper house MP Luke Foley questioned Ms Goward over an
Ernst and Young consultant report, which revealed the department was
short 270 caseworkers.Ms Goward has previously told NSW Parliament that there are more than 2,000 caseworkers employed in NSW.
The Ernst and Young Report states that there are 1797 caseworkers in NSW.
Ms Goward denied she had misled parliament, and said she was speaking on information provided by her department.
She provided a letter to the Daily Telegraph, which she wrote to former FACS director general Jim Moore in March 2012, instructing him to fill all the 2,068 budgeted positions.
Opposition community services spokeswoman Linda Burney said Ms Goward had "lied" to parliament and to the public.
"It is unconscionable that a Minister charged with the protection of our most vulnerable children would leave child protection workers so dramatically understaffed,'' Ms Burney said.
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