Monday, 3 June 2013

Futher Intimidation

So again today I was  intimidated by Federal Police and was threatened with being thrown into police cells and handcuffs.
I was warned not to expose  the corrupt conduct of Public Servants , Government Officials or police.
I was told that I had upset a lot of people.
By failing to arrest me I clearly draw 2 conclusions.
1/ either they have insufficient evidence to charge me or
2/ the people I have exposed realize that if I am charged they will then be subpoenaed to court and cross examination  will expose  the corrupt conduct of these government agencies where they work or infact Government ministries.
Clearly anyone reading this blog will realize I have done the appropriate work and  received the appropriate information  through FOI.
There- for as I was intimidated today that I should not expose any further corrupt conduct regardless that it is freedom of speech and it is in the Public Interest and warned not to put up any more blogs on this subject as of 10.20 today .
So... the Federal Police can put this blog before  a Magistrate and let him or her decide whether the police have a responsibility to protect corrupt conduct. Clearly a corrupt one would be best!
Furthermore ,if the people I have exposed are stressed now, I clearly would assume these  people  will be  further stressed when they implicate themselves in corrupt conduct in court.

Subject: RE: Freedom of Information request - CRM 2013/448 [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 17:17:02 +1000

Thank you for your email.
Unfortunately I now need to make another Freedom of Information request.
This morning  3 Federal Police came to my work to again try and intimidate me from exposing  corrupt conduct in Government Departments and by Labor Government Ministers.
Clearly  they were not able to arrest me but they did threaten to handcuff me and throw me in the Police cells.
I would like to be given  documents , either by Email or by Fax or indeed   to notified  of any phone calls  received   by these Federal police from any Government Minister, Police officer or any Public servant  requesting that I be intimidated further. This request is specificately for the  30th May 2013 to the 3rd June 2013 .
I understand you want a copy of my identification to process this request..
Thanking you Kindly
Fiona Brown

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