Saturday, 23 March 2013

OGP Barack Obama

MORE Shit from the US Government and OBAMA... well you have to laugh!!!!!..... the corruption in the US makes the rest of us appear insignificant............................

The Open Government Partnership

Date: 06/30/2011 Location: Washington, DC Description: Open Government Partnership logo. Conversations With America with Under Secretary Otero, July 7, 2011. - State Dept Image
We pledge to be more transparent at every level -- because more information on government activity should be open, timely, and freely available to people. We need to pledge to engage more of our citizens in decision-making -- because it makes government more effective and responsive. We pledge to implement the highest standards of integrity -- because those in power must serve the people, not themselves. And we pledge to increase access to technology -- because in this digital century, access to information is a right that is universal.”
--- President Barack Obama
September 20, 2011
"In the 21st century, the United States is convinced that one of the most significant divisions among nations will not be north/south, east/west, religious, or any other category so much as whether they are open or closed societies. We believe that countries with open governments, open economies, and open societies will increasingly flourish. They will become more prosperous, healthier, more secure, and more peaceful."
--- Secretary Hillary Clinton
Open Government Partnership Opening Session, April 2012

The Open Government Partnership (OGP) is a global effort to make governments better. Citizens want more transparent, effective and accountable governments—with institutions that empower citizens and are responsive to their aspirations. But this work is never easy.
It takes political leadership. It takes technical knowledge. It takes sustained effort and investment. It takes collaboration between government and civil society.
The Open Government Partnership is a new multilateral initiative that aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency, empower citizens, fight corruption, and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. In the spirit of multi-stakeholder collaboration, OGP is overseen by a Steering Committee of governments and civil society organizations.
To become a member of OGP, participating countries must:
  • embrace a high-level Open Government Declaration
  • deliver a concrete action plan, developed with public consultation
  • commit to independent reporting on their progress going forward
The Open Government Partnership formally launched on September 20, 2011, when the 8 founding governments (Brazil, Indonesia, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States) endorsed the Open Government Declaration, announced their country action plans, and welcomed the commitment of 38 governments to join the Partnership.

OGP held its first annual high-level meeting on April 17-18, 2012 in Brasilia, Brazil. Since its launch, OGP has grown to become a global community of government reformers, civil society leaders, and business innovators, who together are advancing a new standard of good governance in the 21st century. Through concrete commitments announced via OGP action plans, over fifty-five governments are taking important steps towards greater transparency, accountability and participation that will ultimately improve the lives of people around the world.
Additional Elements

Open Government Partnership Brochure [PDF]
05/09/2011 - U.S. Department of State Open Government Plan [PDF]
04/05/2012 - Under Secretary Otero's blog on the Era of Open Government DipNote»
09/20/2011 - Under Secretary Otero's blog on the Open Government Partnership Launch DipNote»
For more up-to-date information, please visit or follow @opengovpart on Twitter.
For further information or questions, please contact
Watch Secretary Clinton’s remarks at the Open Government Partnership Opening Session, April 17,

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