Monday, 7 January 2013

Reply to ITSA's FOI

Dave Maher
FOI Officer ITSA
GPO 821

7th January 2013
Dear Mr Maher,

I refer to the FOI response I received from ITSA on the 24th December 2012 which was three weeks late.. I note that ITSA attempted to apologize claiming it was sent to the wrong address. Considering ITSA would not have wanted me to have access to any of the information I requested I quite rightly would consider this to be deliberate..

It also appears ITSA or you, are also attempting to have me believe that Enforcement and Regulation use the same investigation policy. This is highly peculiar as both Enforcement and Regulation have vastly differing roles.

Thank you for you verification of the qualifications of staff at both Regulation and Enforcement. Therefore any failure to investigate fraud ,corruption and serious corrupt conduct at ITSA could be seen as deliberate.
It is now abundantly obvious to me that ITSA was attempting to protect the corrupt trustee Paul Pattison.
Therefore please supply me with the following information under FOI.
In the period 2010-2011 there were 9 complaints made about Paul Pattison.
5 of these warranted investigation.
What was the names of ITSA staff that dealt with these complaints?
If any of these complaints were investigated please supply me with the names of the person who did the investigation.
In the 12 month (2009-2010) period prior to these complaints being made how many complaints did ITSA receive about Paul Pattison? Please supply me with the dates that these were received by ITSA. How many of these warranted investigation and if any were investigated and by whom?
In the next 12 month period(2008-2009) how many complaints did ITSA receive about Paul Pattison? How many of these warranted investigation and was any investigated and by whom?
In the 12 months(2007-2008) prior to this how many complaints did ITSA receive about Paul Pattison. What were the dates these were received ? Did any of these warrant investigation and if so were these investigated and by whom?
In the 12 months prior to this(2006-2007) how many complaints were received about Paul Pattison? Again how many warranted investigation and were these investigated and by whom?

In 2009-20010 ITSA received 44 complaints about the Official Trustee. Please advise me who handled each of these complaints. 4 of these complaints were found to be justified. Were these investigated and by whom?

In 2010-2011 ITSA received 47 complaints about the Official Trustee. 9 were found to be justified and required investigation. Were these complaints correctly investigated as required by the AGIS and by whom?

In the period 2011-2012 ITSA received 31complaints about the Official Trustee. 6 warranted investigation . Who investigated these and did it comply with the AGIS standards?

Under Freedom of Information please supply me with the names of all trustee's that have either resigned from ITSA or have been de-registered in the past 7 years Alongside each name please supply me with the number of complaints ITSA had received about them. Please also supply me with the dates they were received and if they were investigated.
This should include the Trustee's that resigned as mentioned in ITSA's 2011-2912 Annual Report and particularly the Trustee ITSA de-registered.

Under FOI please supply me with the member of ITSA's staff who authorized George Adler for overseas travel .

Further to this ITSA has failed to publish my request for information on complaints on the corrupt Trustee Paul Anthony Pattison on the disclosure log. ITSA would be aware that this contains no personal information nor does it reveal any information about any business, commercial , financial or any professional affairs. Clearly this would be another attempt by ITSA to cover up atrocious corrupt conduct at ITSA, also corruption and fraud by private trustees .

Thank you
Fiona Brown

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