Wednesday, 19 December 2012

ITSA's noncompliance/no investigation policy

It is more than evident that  Dave Maher and senior Managemengement  are failing to comply with the bankruptcy Act on the legal advice of Matthew Osborne.
Adam Toma ,  National Enforcement Manager, Cheryl Cullen  and   Matthew Osborne are using S134(3) to fuck everyone over. This section of the bankruptcy Act does not   allow the trustee to breach the Bankruptcy Act as Matthew Osborne is advising.
It also does not give a trustee the discretion to mislead  anyone  and fuck everyone  over as  Cheryl Cullen has told me.
This is taken from the Inspector Generals Practice statement ( GPS) 1
A Compliance Framework
5. Non compliance is a significant risk to the integrity of the personal insolvency system in
Australia and adds significant cost to the system. It is important to understand what motivates
people to comply with legislation. You need to recognise that practitioners respond to their
obligations under the Bankruptcy Act differently and that a one-size-fits-all approach is not the answer to achieving long-term compliance.( the motive is that Matthew Osborne is advising them how to fuck everyone over)

  The fucker in the Legal Department would be aware of the requirement of the Inspector General.
Dave Maher is of the opinion that only the AGIS must be complied with by Enforcement though fails to take into consideration the role and purpose of Bankruptcy Regulation.
It is part of the obligation of Bankruptcy Regulation to ensure private trustees and ITSA comply with their obligations under the Bankruptcy Act.
However, the cock at ITSA Matthew Osbourne is advising otherwise.
In the matter of Ariff who was eventually jailed and the  the Corrupt trustee Paul Pattison it was only on the advice ITSA that they assumed they had the discretion to fuck everyone over.
I asked for the investigation policy of ITSA under FOI. I have received a reply that smells like the shit of Adam Toma.
It appears only Enforcement has an investigation policy and Bankruptcy Regulation does not.
How fucking funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As you see it only refers to Enforcement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3.1 Investigation principles
An investigation is a search for truth, in the interests of justice and in accordance
with the specifications of the law.
Every investigation decision made by Enforcement will be in accord with the laws
and rules of evidence, including the rules governing the admissibility of evidence.
Enforcement personnel will demonstrate professionalism by displaying:
(i) integrity in all actions and decisions;
(ii) fairness and impartiality without fear, favour, affection and without
undue influence or ill will;
(iii) respect for the dignity of all people including their need for
confidentiality, discreetness and preservation of their privacy; and
    the application of skill, care and diligence in all undertakings.
Bankruptcy Regulation has NO Investigation Policy as required by the Financial Management and Accountability Act.
The Commonwealth Ombudsman does not have one and the Fucker at the Australian Public service Commission does not have one either.
Failure to have a functional investigation policy allows atrocious systemic corrupt conduct to occur.
In NSW we have ICAC and Senator Xenaphon called for something similar for Federal Departments and Agencies.
    However, this function originally was a requirement of the Commonwealth Ombudsman and is an obligation under the Ombudsmans Act
    As I am also aware that the staff of ITSA regularly read this blog, tell Adam Toma to come kiss my arse and watch this fucker cry when I post the deeds of his properties on the internet!!!!

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