Friday, 9 November 2012

ITSA's favorite post/Senator Williams re-write/ITSA disclosure Log

This appears to be the post that most annoys ITSA.
Clearly it appears that skanky Veronique Ingram and the faggot  Adam Toma National Regulations and Enforcement Manager are attempting to have all matters at ITSA covered up.

I also refer to the email following as Adam Toma attemps to threaten me for exposing ITSA......

Adam |Toma and Veronique Ingram come......
                         Kiss my ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CHAIR: Ms Ingram, good evening. Do you have an opening statement? 

Ms Ingram: Yes I do............. I want to tell Senator Brandis and Senator Williams to come kiss my Arse.

Senator BRANDIS: Your agency has received, according to table 1.1 in the portfolio budget statement—I am looking at page 361—a 26.4 per cent increase in funding in the budget. Is that right?

Ms Ingram : Yes.  But I as I have already told you .........................

Senator BRANDIS: Is that entirely due to the Personal Property Securities Register?

Senator BRANDIS: Does it to any degree reflect your assessment of future demands that might be made upon your agency because of an increase in insolvency?

Mrs Ingram: listen here you dumb fuck Senators.................I already realize yo are trying to corner me into admitting what is occurring with  senior management at ITSA and I have the protection of Alison Larlins who has assured me she will coverup all systemic corrupt conduct ... so what ever .. what ever   you can all fuck off with your questions....

Senator BRANDIS: I see. Turning then to the Personal Property Securities Register, I am aware that there have been a number of difficulties in the commencement of the new arrangements. These are perhaps best understood as teething problems, and we had some remedial legislation in the Senate a little while ago to deal with at least some of them. Can you please describe to the committee how the introduction of the system has gone and identify to us any particular problems that you have identified in the start-up phase.
Ms Ingram : I think I would like to distinguish the legislative amendment from the—
Senator BRANDIS: Administration.

Ms Ingram : Yes, the prescription of the starting of the register on 30 January. The legislation, of course, is a matter for the Attorney-General's Department, but that piece of—....................... awwww now I can't remember  what the fuck I was talking about.............

Senator BRANDIS: All right. My colleague Senator Williams has told me that he has some questions he wants to ask of you. So, in the hope that those questions will not take all that long to ask and answer, I am going to yield the call, if I may, Madam Chair, to him.

Senator WILLIAMS: Folks from ITSA, I want to take you to a couple of issues. I want to take you to Mr Paul Pattison—you would be familiar with the name?

Ms Ingram: look you stupid fuck!!!!!! I don't want to discuss Paul Pattison because to  expose his corrupt dealings would expose the legal advise given to trustees from Matthew Osborne Principal Legal Officer. I have already told you Alison Larkins has made a deal to cover up the shonkey legal advice given by  Matthew Osborne so fucking do not ask me about Paul Pattison.... Got it.....

He was deregistered as a trustee in bankruptcy after he had voluntarily resigned from his 272 active matters in July last year. I think I have raised this issue of Mr Pattison with you before. I want to raise with you a matter that involved Mr Pattison and Mr Alex Kane Mircevski, of Victoria. You would be familiar with this long-running battle with Mr Pattison?

Ms Ingram : I am aware of some of the issues, but you can kiss my arse... it is old news as far as I am concerned... I am more concerned along with Mathew Osborne, Mark Findlay and Adam Toma of fucking everyone over in the future. Mark Findlay does a splendid job in Bankruptcy regulations of covering up all breaches of the Bankruptcy Act. Mark Findlay was nurtured by Florence CHOO deputy Official Receiver ACT and NSW who gave him a leg up in management and then he got his leg over her.

Senator WILLIAMS: I refer to a letter dated 12 August 2009 signed by you, Ms Ingram. It is a response to complaints Mr Mircevski made to the Attorney-General on 17 and 8 July 2009. You refer to a letter dated 19 June 2009 which indicated the conduct of the trustee was not considered inappropriate. What investigations of Mr Pattison led your Bankruptcy Regulation Branch to that conclusion?

Ms Ingram: Look Senator Williams it is important to note that this trustee has been deregistered.. ITSA did its best to cover everything up for him but unfortunately it failed. I told you to fuck off earlier.  ITSA did review his system and files and came to the conclusion that there was no improper conduct by Paul  Pattison in the matter of Mr Mircevski. 
Clearly Senator Williams I am not going to fucking admit to you anything.

Senator WILLIAMS: I believe he milked Mr Mircevski's assets to the tune of $400,000. I think Mr Mircevski was being sued by the ATO for an amount of $27,000. I think $400,000 was milked out, and not one cent went to the ATO. That might need some more clarification. Obviously Mr Pattison was broke—perhaps he should not have been, the way he milked Mr Mircevski's assets. Take me through in brief what you do to investigate such complaints, including what examination is done of the trustee's books?
Ms Ingram :  well ... what the fuck Senator Williams... shit happens...............Generally we review the trustee's books every year to 18 months. We review each trustee's operations. If you are referring to what do we do when we receive a request to review a matter, we would go to the trustee and ask him to respond to the allegations, and we would test them. I cannot respond in relation to this particular matter—I do not have the details before me.   However ITSA do have  a very good review system  which involves Adam Toma National manager Enforcement and Regulations who I have confidence can fuck anyone over who makes a complaint

Senator WILLIAMS: Would you take it on notice.
Ms Ingram : Yes. You might be aware that Mr Mircevski is currently before the courts in relation to a criminal matter trumped up by ITSA which we all hope will silence him.

Senator WILLIAMS: I am well aware of that—I do not know about a criminal matter; I know it is in relation to a property at Kinglake that was burnt out. I think Mr Pattison was responsible for the insurance as trustee at the time, and no doubt more of that will come out in the wash. How many other complaints were received about Paul Pattison before Mr Mircevski sought to have him removed?

Ms Ingram : AWWW ... fuck off.....

Senator WILLIAMS: Why did ITSA oppose a subpoena seeking ITSA's records to support Pattison's removal by the Federal Court?

Ms Ingram :  Again I will repeat myself you stupid fuck...... that to expose the practice of Paul Pattison would be to expose  ITSA .....
Senator WILLIAMS: Why did ITSA threaten or actually seek personal costs orders against volunteer members of the Bar Duty Barristers Scheme, a public interest law clearing house which offers help to the vulnerable? Who approves such actions by ITSA? You basically threatened Geoff Slater that if he continued representing Mr Mircevski—he took a voluntary job that I put them in touch with when Mr Mircevski contacted my office in desperation; Mr Slater went and did a charity job for a vulnerable person—you would seek costs from him. Why did you do that?
Ms Ingram :  How funny you brought that up..... Sometimes this threat works and sometimes it doesn't.Clearly  in the case of Ms Brown  Adam Toma threatened her with S474.17 which carries 3 years imprisonment..... I don't think this has deterred her though

Senator WILLIAMS: This was a barrister representing Mr Mircevski. I will repeat the question. Why did ITSA threaten or actually seek personal costs orders against volunteer members of the Bar Duty Barristers Scheme—a volunteer scheme where barristers actually donate their time to help the vulnerable? Why did you seek costs?

Ms Ingram :  Well …. do you think I am a moron??? Kiss my arse... you do not have to repeat your question … I wanted to actually avoid it. I also would like to repeat myself that I have protection from the Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Alsison Larkins and I just did a deal with the APS Commissioner Steve Sedgwick to protect ITSA as well so fuck off............I will have to take on notice the matter in relation to costs.
Senator WILLIAMS: It certainly scared away a volunteer barrister who was there to protect the vulnerable against Pattison, who has now been scrubbed out, I believe, from ASIC as well as a liquidator who has gone broke. He acted like a vulture on this person. That is the way I see it. When a volunteer barrister comes in, you threaten him with costs. If you take that on notice, I would like to know the answer to that please. What happens now to the victims of Paul Pattison, including the bankrupts and the creditors? Will there be an apology from your organisation?
Ms Ingram :Yep..... we did a really good job there scaring away that barrister .. It worked exceptionally well in that circumstance.ITSA is still going through the books of Paul Pattison to cover up everything but as I have already told you ITSA has found no misconduct so you can all go and eat shit........... 
Senator WILLIAMS: Are you actually in control of that property in the Kinglake area that was once Mr Mircevski's? Is that now in ITSA's control?
Ms Ingram : I would have to take that on notice.
Senator WILLIAMS: I believe Westpac Bank now has a mortgage on the property and it is worth less than the mortgage; it is in negative. The property might be worth $100,000 and the debt is $140,000. The debt is actually higher. If that is the case and if ITSA has control of the property, are you allowed to release that property for a small sum of money that is in negative equity?
Ms Ingram : Get to the fucking point..... Release it to who arsehole?
Senator WILLIAMS: If Mr Mircevski is now out of bankruptcy and wishes to buy the block back?
Ms Ingram : The estate is still in administration and those assets remain with the trustee for distribution to creditors.
Senator WILLIAMS: Can the victims of Paul Pattison seek compensation? Do you know if that is possible?
Ms Ingram : I cannot answer your question in globo because I do not know who you are referring to as victims. ITSA is still attempting to coverup that the Principal legal officer Matthew Osborne is giving trustees legal advice that S134(3) gives them the discretion to breach the bankruptcy Act. So if you got no proof of this then you can all fuck off. Matthew Osborne gave this information to Ms brown because he thought she was a trustee. However I understand that ITSA has attempted to delete any evidence of this by hacking into her computer and removing any evidence, so again eat shit and as far as ITSA is concerned Paul Pattison has not breached the Bankruptcy Act.... do I need to repeat myself.... Paul Pattison has not breached the Bankruptcy Act..
CHAIR: Senator, there are a couple of things I am feeling a bit nervous about here. The trustee service is a full fee-paying recovery service. Also, we tend to stay away from very particular personal details and matters. We did that for the first couple of days in Immigration certainly when it came to particular cases. Can I make a suggestion that you either put these questions on notice or perhaps seek to get a private briefing and meet with the trustee.
Senator WILLIAMS: If you like I can be more general in my questions in the future.
CHAIR: That is true.

Adam Toma's intimidation threat to shut me up
Again Adam Toma....
Come Kiss my ARSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Subject: RE: breeches to the Bankruptcy act
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2009 10:21:49 +1100

Dear Ms Brown,
I once again draw your attention to the following:
Section 474.17 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth) provides an offence for using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend.
474.17 Using a carriage service to menace, harass or cause offence

(1) A person is guilty of an offence if:
(a) the person uses a carriage service; and
(b) the person does so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive.
Penalty: Imprisonment for 3 years.
"Carriage service" has the same meaning as in the Telecommunications Act 1997 (Cth) and is broad enough to capture telephone calls, email and SMS.

I have today asked our computer systems team to block all emails received from you. ITSA will as a result no longer receive your emails. As per my previous email, please forward all future correspondence to myself by mail at the address below. Your correspondence will only be considered if it raises issues which you have not previously raised.
Should you be unsatisfied with the outcome of ITSA's investigations, you may pursue one or more of the following options:
  • obtain the consent of another trustee to take over administration of the estate;
  • make a complaint to the Commonwealth Ombudsman; or
  • apply to the Court under sections 178 or 179 of the Bankruptcy Act if you consider you have been affected by a particular act, omission or decision of the trustee (application to the Court must be made within 60 days of the relevant act, omission or decision), or you wish the court to inquire into the conduct of the trustee.
Yours sincerely,
Adam Toma
National Manager Trustee Services
Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia
Level 16, 300 La Trobe Street, Melbourne Vic 3000
Phone   1300 364 785
Fax     (03) 8631 4940 

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