If you have been fucked over by ITSA or a private Trustee you can apply for compensation from the Commonwealth Government!
What nobody has been able to tell you ever up until now is what is occurring at ITSA.
First Mathew Osborne Principal Legal Officer at ITSA is advising all trustees that Section 134(3) gives the trustee every discretion. This section is actually limited to the only to the division of property that is realized.
ITSA's independent Bankruptcy Regulations is using this section to coverup all misconduct by ITSA and trustee's.
Adam Toma National Manager Bankruptcy Regulation and Enforcement is using it on the advice of Matthew Osbourne( And by the way you big Fuck you threatened you would have me charged 3half years ago and I am still waiting....)
Bankruptcy Regulation answers to nobody so therefore it can write false reports.
The next option is to go to the Commonwealth Ombudsman. If you look at the statistics of the Commonwealth Ombudsman only 20-25% of complaints are investigated. The few complaints that reach section 4 have deals done by the Commonwealth Ombudsman to cover up the matter. In my case it was the fuck Kent Pervis , then Margaret Chinnery and then Diane Merryfull. Section 15 of the Ombudsmans act requires that Systemic misconduct and deliberate breaches of the Bankruptcy Act be referred to the Attorney General.
The extraordinary underqualified Mong Acting Commonwealth Ombudsman Alison lakins was then made aware of this.
Both Alison Larkins and Veronique Ingram were then referred to the Australian Public Service commissioner Steve Sedgewick under S41. The commissioner made a decision that there was no case to answer.
Under freedom of Information I have requested documents that show how the commissioner made the decision that ITSA and the Commonwealth Ombudsman should continue to fuck everyone over in Australia.
When I first began requesting FOI documents the APS Commission denied me access because they claimed it was not IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST...........
What............. not in the public interest to know how we were all being fucked over?????
So my advice is when requesting document do not ask for too much at a time..... slowly build up the case and ask for only one piece of information at a time.......... remember they want to give you fucking nothing that will expose them...........
These letter obtained show how the Commissioner fails to adequately investigate misconduct in Commonwealth Government Agencies to cover everything up.
Also they want these blogs removed so they will not exposed.
So Steve Sedgwick and Karin Fisher..... go and eat shit...................
Anyone considering requesting compensation from the Government can subpoena me if ITSA and the Commonwealth Ombudsman deny everything.
Good luck to every one!!!!
I am urgently seeking a copy of the internal procedures manual for Government employees.
I will never reveal who provided me with this if you can give me a copy. Please email me direct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am urgently seeking a copy of the internal procedures manual for Government employees.
I will never reveal who provided me with this if you can give me a copy. Please email me direct!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Scheme for Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (the CDDA Scheme)
Printable version: The Scheme for Compensation for Detriment caused by Defective Administration (the CDDA Scheme) [
208 KB]
- What is the CDDA Scheme?
- Who has the authority to make decisions?
- When are compensation payments made?
- What is defective administration?
- What is detriment?
- Who can apply for compensation?
- How do I apply?
- Links to other agencies
- Further information
What is the CDDA Scheme?
The CDDA Scheme allows Government agencies to compensate persons who have experienced detriment as a result of an agency’s defective actions or inaction.
The CDDA Scheme is available to provide a remedy for all Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 (FMA Act) agencies. List of FMA Act agencies.
Payments made under the CDDA Scheme are discretionary. This means there is no automatic entitlement to a payment.
Who has the authority to make decisions?
The CDDA Scheme is an administrative, not a statutory (legislative) scheme. It has been established under the executive power of section 61 of the Constitution.
Portfolio Ministers have responsibility for decisions made under the CDDA Scheme. Ministers may also authorise departmental officers to make decisions.
The Department of Finance and Deregulation only provides policy advice on the CDDA Scheme.
When are compensation payments made?
Payments made under the CDDA Scheme are discretionary. This means there is no automatic entitlement to a payment. They may be made by the relevant portfolio Minister or authorised officer if a Government officer or agency has directly caused an applicant to experience detriment as a result of defective administration.
The CDDA Scheme is generally an avenue of last resort and is used only where there is no other viable avenue to provide redress.
What is defective administration?
Defective administration is defined as:
- a specific and unreasonable lapse in complying with existing administrative procedures; or
- an unreasonable failure to institute appropriate administrative procedures; or
- an unreasonable failure to give to (or for) an applicant, the proper advice that was within the officer's power and knowledge to give (or reasonably capable of being obtained by the officer to give); or
- giving advice to (or for) an applicant that was, in all the circumstances, incorrect or ambiguous.
What is detriment?
Detriment means quantifiable financial loss that an applicant has suffered.
There are three types of detriment:
- detriment relating to a personal injury including mental injury (personal injury loss);
- economic detriment that is not related to a personal injury (pure economic loss); and
- detriment relating to damage to property.
Who can apply for compensation?
Any individual, company or other organisation can apply for compensation, either for themselves or for an authorised third party.
How do I apply?
Claims are made in writing to the Australian Government agency to which your compensation claim relates. The Australian Government Online Directory [
] provides contact details for all Government departments and agencies.
Your application should address:
- the criteria for determining defective administration;
- explain how the actions or inactions were defective;
- provide details of the detriment being claimed, including an explanation of how the amount claimed is calculated; and
- explain how the defective administration directly caused the loss.
Please include all relevant evidence in support of your application e.g. correspondence between yourself and the relevant Government agency, medical certificates etc.
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