Monday, 16 April 2012

FOI Response/APS Commission

Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 09:24:51 +1000
Subject: RE: TRIM: RE: Freedom of Information request

Dear Ms Brown,

I am writing in relation to your FOI request referred to below.  As noted previously, the timeframe for responding to an FOI request is extended by 30 days in circumstances where an agency consults with one or more third parties about the release of their personal information.

The documents you have requested include personal information about third parties and the Australian Public Service Commission is consulting with those parties about the release of that information under the FOI Act.  Consequently, the timeframe for responding to your request is extended by 30 days.

I will contact you again in the near future about your FOI request.

____________________________________________________Chris Luton
FOI Officer
Australian Public Service Commission
p : 02 6202 3571 | f : 02 6250 4437
e : | w :

Reply to the FOI  Officer

Subject: RE: TRIM: RE: Freedom of Information request
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2012 10:26:18 +1000

Thanks Chris,
I can fully understand that Steve Sedgwick would not want these documents released as  this would expose  corrupt conduct and  the systemic  corrupt  handling of this  matter .
Previously I requested how Steve Sedgwick came to the conclusion that Veronique Ingram and Alison Larkins had no case to answer. After carefully considering and examining  the previous documents I received from FOI it appears it would be helpful to me to also request how Steve Sedgwick made a decision  that there was no case to answer for any of the other referrals made to him under S41 in the previous financial year.
So, as well as requiring documents that showed how Steve Sedgwick came to the conclusion that there was no case for Alison Larkins or Veronique Ingram to answer despite extensive evidence in the file at the Commonwealth Ombudsman I would like to be specific about what I would now also  like to obtain.....
I would like to obtain documentation how each decision was made by Steve Sedgwick on each referral to him under S41 that  the Agency Head or Department Head had no case to answer in the past financial year. This would be every individual case. I believe this would be the 11 Whistleblowers as well as the other 20 referrals made
As before I would also like you to supply me with the date that the APS Commission obtained the evidence and file from the Commonwealth ombudsman  when considering my complaint.
Thanking you
Fiona brown

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